

SE LCCH FI LCCH NO LCCH Sorisdale Maclugash

SE UCH Askhults Amelia McQuade


5 dogs and 1 bitch

SE UCH Askhults Baldric McGinnis

Askhults Balthazar McNiall

NORD UCH Askhults Basil McPherson

Askhults Benjamin McCallum

SE UCH Askhults Bertram McQuade

NORD UCH Askhults Bess McLugash


SE LCCH FI LCCH NO LCCH Sorisdale Maclugash (2 CCs) Terichline Windrush at Regalflight Ardkinglas Wallace
GB CH Terichline Ripple
Sorisdale Mackinlay GB CH Killoeter Esk
Sorisdale Macjimpsey
SE UCH Askhults Amelia McQuade INT UCH NORD UCH PL CH Chapeltower Balzac Chapeltower Zak
Killoeter Eilidh
INT UCH NORD UCH Chic Aristocrat's Heather Grey INT UCH NORD UCH SE V-00, -01 Manticorns Chester
NORD UCH Chic Aristocrat's Ferrari Grey


Pictures of the puppies


Amelia with her newborn puppies


SE UCH Askhults Bertram McQuade

Male 1 - 8 weeks

Owner: Birgitta Mannering

3 CCs and 2 BOB and 2 BOS, 1 CACIB.

Bertie had to be put to sleep on the 25th of July 2009 due to Neuroborreliosis.

Bertram has his own page.


SE UCH Askhults Baldric McGinnis

Male 2 - 8 weeks

Owner: Petra Hjorth-Revling and family

4 CCs and 4 BOS, 1 CACIB. 1 BOB-junior and 2 BOB-youngster and 1 BIS-3 youngster.

Baldric had to be put to sleep on the 19th of December 2012.

Baldric has his own page.


Askhults Benjamin McCallum

Male 3 - 8 weeks

Owner: Louise Schullström

Benjamin had to be put to sleep at New Year's Day 2014.

Benjamin has his own page.


Askhults Balthazar McNiall

Male 4 - 8 weeks

Owner: Breeder

Balthazar had to be put to sleep on the 21st of December 2012.

Balthazar has his own page.





Askhults Basil McPherson

Male 5 - 8 weeks

Owner: Ingmar Nygren and family

Basil had to be put to sleep on the 20th of January 2017.

BOB-puppy. 5 Swedish CCs, 1 Norwegian CC and 1 Danish CC, 3 CACIBs ,3 R-CACIBs, 2 BOB and 3 BOS. 3 BOB-veteran.

Basil has his own page.


NORD UCH (SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH) Askhults Bess McLugash

Female - 8 weeks

Owner: breeder

BOB-puppy. 1 BIG-2, 4 BOB, 3 CACIBs, 5 CCs. 3 R-CACIBs.

Bess is the mother of our C-litter.

Bess had to be put to sleep du to an accident 2010-11-30.

Bess has her own page.


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